Multi-HMMA winning composer Austin Wintory releases a very personal album assembled of many tracks bound for the trash. We’re glad he reconsidered!! REMNANTS is not only stellar in production, but serves as a vital message for songwriters and composers that have experienced rejection. In other words, this is for everyone.
In the words of Austin…
“Every composer, and indeed every artist in general, faces constant rejection. In my case, the most common form of that is in writing demos or pitches in an effort to work on a given project, only to be told no. The reasons almost always have nothing to do with me specifically, yet it’s tempting to take it personally. To equate rejection with failure.
As my career has gone on though, it dawned on me that rejections were actually a much better measure of opportunity. And looking back, I realized just how many opportunities I’ve had! It didn’t matter that so many didn’t work out.
100% of the music on this album was bound for the trash. Most of it is rejected pitches, but a few are also cues for cancelled projects and there’s even some from projects I was fired from mid-way through.
In the end, I hope you enjoy it and that it’s a reminder that rejection isn’t defeat, but actually strangely fun and empowering.”
Released August 2, 2019
Music composed and produced by Austin Wintory
Mastered by Steve Kempster
Video directed by Landon Donaho
Featuring Angela Bermudez
Cover photo by Sergio Pinheiro